Thursday, April 16, 2009

This Proves CNN Out Of Touch (click for video)

This is why I no longer trust or watch CNN. The Tea Parties held yesterday weren't organized by the GOP or by FOX. These were simple hard working Americans from ALL parties who are fed-up with what Washington has done and continues to do to it's people. This anchor should be fired! These people are so pathetically out of touch and really are a part of the problem. Why were they calling for a revolution themselves before election and now we're just stupid mindless people who don't know what we're talking about?

Yesterday wasn't a one day event. I assure you people are mad at Washington, disgusted with this kind of media NOT telling the truth and will continue on a grassroots level to take back control of whom WE hired to work for US. Ms. Roesgen better get over it because we're here to stay.

These tea parties also show the BIG difference between conservatism and angry liberals like Roesgen. We can demonstrate peacefully without the insults where her immature, irresponsible and unprofessional reporting tried to over-shadow the truth. I believe there is a movement to try to suppress the opposing voice starting IN Washington with all their little puppet followers down to this level.

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