Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Stimulus Plan... Plain and Simple:

The government wants to raise our taxes so that they can loan the banks money so that the banks will be able to loan the money back to the tax payers so they have credit and can spend money. Now we have to pay interest on our own money. Why don't they just leave it in our pockets to begin with?????

Ignorant People Voting... Remember This? (click for YouTube)

Played on Howard Stern's show, they interviewed Obama supporters and asked about his policies. They loved his stance on the anti-stem cell project, agreed with his pro life support and keeping the troops in Iraq until the war was done... and even loved his VP pick, Sarah Palin.

Now are these informed voters? Unfortunately there isn't a law that says you must know who you're voting for. Now look at what we've got!

Republicans Budget - The "No" Party? Not true! (click for full budget)

House Republican leadership yesterday challenged President Obama’s assertion that Republicans have not offered solutions to the issues facing Americans today. At the unveiling of the new alternative budget blueprint yesterday, House Republican leader John Boehner held the document in the air exclaiming, “Here it is, Mr. President!”

“The Republican Road to Recovery” provides a detailed outline of the principles behind the upcoming GOP alternative budget that will be introduced in the House next week. As was the case when Obama released a blueprint days before the actual release of his $3.66 trillion budget, Republicans pronounced their budget process is well underway yesterday at this blueprint release event.

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), chairman of the House Republican Conference, said at the blueprint unveiling yesterday, “After years of runaway spending at the federal level, the American people want this Congress to put our fiscal house in order. Instead, President Barack Obama has brought forward the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history. It spends too much, borrows too much, and taxes too much, and the American people know it.”

The Republican blueprint describes a budget that will undo fraud and abuse by ending the Obama “stimulus bill” plans for the exorbitant Democrat spending binge on things such as the $900 million for the terrorist group Hamas or the programs making available $4.2 billion for “community stabilization” to groups such a ACORN.

Republicans would also finally tackle restoring financial stability by the incremental privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while reforming laws like the “Community Investment Act” which bears the overwhelming responsibility for the financial meltdown by government intervention forcing banks to make home loans to people who could not afford them.

There is much more in the “Republican Road to Recovery” blueprint which is available online.

The most important part of the budget fight is likely to come in the House-Senate conference on the resolutions. Some Senate Democrats are rebelling against the White House’s enormous spending plan and may even help Republicans resist the energy tax and healthcare plans.

By: Connie Hair/

Energy Tax (click for full budget)

Still the "No" Party? Still not true!

While Democrats plan a new annual energy tax of over $3,100 on every family in their “cap and trade” environmentalist whacko scheme, Republicans are offering a marginal tax rate of 10 percent on incomes up to $100,000 and a rate of 25 percent thereafter with a generous standard deduction and personal exemption. It would allow for everyone “satisfied with their current tax structure to continue to pay those rates, while dropping the two lowest rates by 5 percent to provide every taxpayer with a tax cut. Republicans would also permanently fix the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) so that millions would no longer have to fear the possible imposition of a huge, new tax each year.”

The Republican budget will offer their “all of the above” solutions for energy independence that would not only facilitate clean energy alternatives but would streamline the process for environmentally safe Outer Continental Shelf drilling and Arctic Coastal Plain energy exploration. It would streamline the process for leasing process while mandating “ first lease by the Interior Department within a few years.” Republicans would “expedite judicial review of energy development by making the court of appeals of the District of Columbia the sole venue for review and limiting complaints finite period -- reducing frivolous energy litigation.” There is much more in the “Republican Road to Recovery” blueprint which is available online.

By: Connie Hair/

As much as Obama realizes that coal is a primary resource he admits that his plan will bankrupt the coal industry. This is too scary... listen to these videos:

Socialized Medicine (click for full budget)

The "No" Party is more like the "no bull" party!

Democrats are maneuvering to include the president’s socialized medicine plan into their budget, a system that would be run by bureaucrats and would decrease the quality and availability of medical care. In Canada and in Europe, patients are being forced to file lawsuits against the government in an effort to obtain medical treatments as care is limited and rationed. Socialized medicine puts into the hands of government the power to decide what treatments you will receive based upon the cost of that treatment, fatality rates and your age.

In the alternative, Republicans are putting forth in their budget a plan to give millions more working families and small business owners access to affordable healthcare through tax incentives and would offer free-market solutions for lowering cost such as the ability to shop across state lines for the best prices on coverage. There is much more in the “Republican Road to Recovery” blueprint which is available online.

By: Connie Hair/

Friday, March 27, 2009

Karl Rove On Conservatism (click for video)

What has Mr. Obama inherited? $569 Billion. Last year we couldn't grasp a figure in the billions. Now it sounds like chump change compared to what this administration is throwing at us. In less then 2 months Mr. Obama has added $1.276 trillion with $1.845 trillion to the coming fiscal year. This is unsustainable and will leave us bankrupt.

We are now begging China to take on our debt. Think about that... do we really want China to have such power over our heads? They can make us drop to our knees in a minute with such a playing card.

Karl Rove speaking at the Heritage Foundation puts conservatism in perspective. About 45 minutes short he is worth listening to.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Socialized Medicine Is A Legal Death Sentence

On March 5, 2009, the Daily Mail/Mail Online reported that two drugs for advanced breast cancer and a rare form of stomach cancer were too expensive for the NHS. One drug, Lapatinib, can halve the speed of growth of breast cancer in one in five women with an aggressive form of the disease.

Dr Gillian Leng, Nice deputy chief executive, said 'The committee concluded that Lapatinib is not a cost-effective use of NHS resources when compared with current treatment.'

Up to 1,500 stomach cancer patients also face a ban on Sutent – the only drug that can extend their lives.

Draft guidance by Nice said the drug should not be used even though it approved its use for kidney cancer last month.

Prelude To Our Future? (click for video)

Daniel Hannan is a conservative member of the European Parliament for the SE England. By pointing out the state of the UK is he looking into our future? On March 24 he addresses the Prime Minister saying:

"...the United Kingdom is going into this recession in the worse of any G20 country. You have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British Child is born owing around 20,000 lbs.... You are carrying on willfully worsening our situation wantonly spending what little we have left. The last 12 months 100,000 private sector jobs were lost while 30,000 public sector jobs were created. You can not continue to squeeze the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorgement of the unproductive. You can not spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt. Everyone knows that Britain is worse off then any other country going into this recession... the market has said so which is why our currency has devalued by 30%."

As Europeans are now trying to move towards capitalism strangely enough there are power hungry people in our government moving us towards socialism.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gun Control - Our 2nd Amendment Under Fire

From the pen of Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP of the NRA, Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, TX are two cities across the Rio Grande River from each other. One city has extremely oppressive gun laws controlled by bureaucrats in high power, the other enjoys the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as in the Constitution. American gun control advocates claim that if we had restrictions such as Juarez we'd be a safer country. Here are Mr. LaPierre's stats:

-Juarez had more then 1500 murders in 2008. That's a homicide rate of more than 100 per 100,000 according to Mr. LaPierre in April 2009 America's 1st Freedom Magazine.
-El Paso, a population of 600,000 had just 16 murders in 2008.

While the violence in Mexico continues, the people in congress want you to believe that it's due to our 2nd Amendment claiming that 90% of the guns come from the US. But Mexico won't give us the serial numbers to prove it. Listen to Wayne LaPierre on Glenn Beck March 18, 2009.

Our new Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under Janet Reno in the Clinton years, is one of the most anti-gun attorneys general in our nation's history. He's someone to be concerned about.

It's Now Called "Overseas Contingency Operation"

We won the war in Iraq and now we have to ease out to make sure all our efforts hold, but what about our next theater Afghanistan. Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary, wants to "get away from the politics of fear"? It sounds like the War Room shares a cube with Global Warming promoting the sensitivity of Oprah.

It is no longer terrorism but "man-caused disasters"? And we can no longer call it War on Terror but "Overseas Contingency Operation". Is this administration serious? Are they that afraid of our enemy that heaven forbid we insult one of them?

Yes I am afraid! And I'm angry as hell. Hatred for us runs through their blood. A smooth talking video isn't going to change years of indoctrination of radical beliefs. If Obama can't call these people what they are how are we going to fight them? If we can't admit what they are how are we going to know WHO they are? How WILL we fight our enemy???

Are you ready for Club Gitmo to close down? A refugee coming to your backyard soon.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Global Warming Update

While news still comes out on how we're heading for disaster due to Global Warming these idiots just don't want to face the truth. Glenn Beck talks today about 3 British scientist who are in the Arctic braving the elements and 40 degrees below zero... to study ice melt due to Global Warming. Am I missing something here???

Not everybody is on board with Algore... Thank God !,25197,24934655-5017272,00.html

Think of it this way. The age of Earth is measured in 1 mile. Man arrived in the last inch of that mile. Climate changes have been occurring ever since the beginning of time. So how is it we're on the verge of destruction and it's all mans fault?

We can't even predict tomorrows weather with total accuracy. How can we predict what will be in 5, 10 or 20 years from now? Can somebody please find Al a new toy to play with?

Bill HR 40 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act

This is why we can not and will never heal as a nation. All this bill will do is continue the anger in people. I never owned a slave (getting me off the hook) and I don't know any one who was a slave (making the people I know ineligible).

My grandparents came over from Poland 100 years ago. As much as they loved their country they fled the brutality of an invader. Do I go back to Russia and demand reparations for the suffering of the Poles? As sad as my grandmother was to never have seen her parents again I am thankful to her for her sacrifice which enabled me to be born in the greatest country in the world. I would not have the freedoms and opportunities America offers if it wasn't for her courage.

Read the bill:

Saturday, March 21, 2009


ADD YOUR TOPIC ~ Have concerns or want to share the news that the drive by media won't share? Start it here. We can move it into it's own post. Remember to be accurate and show links if possible to back it up. We will put your first name to your post.

AIG Bonuses

Conservative1 said...
Well, well, well...can you believe it. It's not being reported that the AIG bonuses are in excess of 2 instead of the 1.6 that was orignally reported. Can you imagine anyone lying about that? Let's see how much more is uncovered this next week. I'm starting to think anyone and everyone who voted FOR any of the bailouts is a traitor!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Joke of the Day

Add your joke ! Keep it clean...
(Label it "Joke~" or give it a title to separate it from the comments)

Contacting Your Representatives

These issues are very important to understand but without your voice our representatives won't know how you feel. I urge all to make your voice heard when something isn't right with our system. See Link on Right to find your representatives in your state.

Bill HR 875 - Home Gardening May Become Illegal

What is in the heads of our elected officials besides air? They want to make us a nation of poverty, a people dependent on them for everything... right down to the basics like food. Bill HR 875 will do exactly that.
  • Legally binds state agriculture depts to enforcing federal guidelines effectively taking away the states power to do anything other than being food police for the federal dept.
  • Effectively criminalizes organic farming but doesn't actually use the word organic.
  • Effects anyone growing food even if they are not selling it but consuming it (home gardens).
  • Effects anyone producing meat of any kind including wild game.

Introduced by Democrat Rosa DeLauro in February her husband, Stanley Greenburg, works for Monsanto. Monsanto is the world's biggest producer of herbicides and genetically engineered seeds. They would GREATLY benefit if thousands of small organic farmers were put out of business, because organic farmers don't use Monsanto products.

Read the Bill:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Teleprompter President

If this man is suppose to be the smartest man in the country why does he have his teleprompter every place he goes. He uses it when introducing a nominee, when telling us how much he cares about us and wants to help us.... and to "thank President Obama... err... ahh... this sounds familiar. Didn't Prime Minister Cowen just say this?... Who forgot to switch the text in the teleprompter?"

When it comes from the heart, when it's something you believe in, you don't NEED a teleprompter Mr. President!

Disabled Vets Paying for Private Insurance

Okay, so Mr. O took this off the table. We ARE going to continue to pay their benefits. After all, they have given to us in a way we can't even begin to imagine having to give. But why was this put on the table to begin with? Everybody else in the entire country "is entitled to healthcare", even illegals, according to this administration... but our vets???
Don't let them sneak this in under the darkness of night when we will only find out when it's too late. Our vets deserve more then this slap in the face.

Tax Day Tea Party

Are you ready to rumble??? Well, no violence allowed. But if you want your voice to be herd here is your chance. Attend a and show Congress that you're fed up! This isn't the change we wanted or that they promised. But hey... I told ya so...

They Work For Us - Hold Them Accountable

We are here to bring you the news you may have missed, the news that the main stream media doesn't want you to know. I for one never did get that tingly feeling running up my leg. We made history in America on November 4, 2008. But I was over it by November 5 and now the elected officials have to be held accountable for their decisions.

"You can't enrich the poor by impoverishing the rich" ~ Abe Lincoln