Thursday, March 19, 2009

Teleprompter President

If this man is suppose to be the smartest man in the country why does he have his teleprompter every place he goes. He uses it when introducing a nominee, when telling us how much he cares about us and wants to help us.... and to "thank President Obama... err... ahh... this sounds familiar. Didn't Prime Minister Cowen just say this?... Who forgot to switch the text in the teleprompter?"

When it comes from the heart, when it's something you believe in, you don't NEED a teleprompter Mr. President!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to tell everyone about the National Write your Congressman. Their site is fabulous with links directly to your congressmen and senators on the federal and state level. They are also fair and balanced and give you a lot of insite into the what is going on and seem to value your opinion I have had 3 visits from my local NWYC rep in the last 4 months. I think it is a worthwhile organization. I think it is so worthwhile that I support a class at our local high school in their goverment class to recieve all the info about all the bills. We need to educate our kids about how this process works.
