Monday, March 23, 2009

Global Warming Update

While news still comes out on how we're heading for disaster due to Global Warming these idiots just don't want to face the truth. Glenn Beck talks today about 3 British scientist who are in the Arctic braving the elements and 40 degrees below zero... to study ice melt due to Global Warming. Am I missing something here???

Not everybody is on board with Algore... Thank God !,25197,24934655-5017272,00.html

Think of it this way. The age of Earth is measured in 1 mile. Man arrived in the last inch of that mile. Climate changes have been occurring ever since the beginning of time. So how is it we're on the verge of destruction and it's all mans fault?

We can't even predict tomorrows weather with total accuracy. How can we predict what will be in 5, 10 or 20 years from now? Can somebody please find Al a new toy to play with?


  1. Ask the typical Harvard grad: "Where do trees get the stuff they're made from?" Nine out of ten will tell you "From the ground!" But you can say "Nope. From the air! From carbon dioxide!"

    You ask the typical American: "How much of the air is carbon dioxide?" You'll hear answers of anywhere from 2% to 50%. But that's wrong, too.

    It's less than that. MUCH less. CO2 makes up only 0.036% of Earth's atmosphere. And it has gone up about three thousandths of 1% in the past hundred years! Whoop-de-doo!

    Let's put that perspective: Suppose the atmosphere were a $100 bill. CO2 would make up just 3 cents of that amount. If I told you that at the beginning of the 20th century you had $100 and 3 cents in your bank account and 100 years later you still had just $100 and 3 cents, would you say "OMG, my account balance is rising dramatically!"? I don't think so.

    Not only is CO2 a puny component of Earth's atmosphere, man's contribution to that sum of CO2 is insignificant in comparison to "natural" sources of CO2, such as volcanoes, plants, animals and even bacteria. We (humans) -- even with all our cars, factories, and farms -- contribute only about 5% to Earth's store of CO2. That means if we utterly ceased to exist, 19/20th's of all the CO2 in the world would STILL be pumping into the atmosphere...naturally.

    The world's oceans alone dwarf all other sources of CO2. There is 60 times more CO2 in the oceans than in Earth's atmosphere. And when Earth heats up, that CO2 comes out of solution. (If Al Gore hadn't gotten C's and D's in his college physical science classes, he'd know that the solubility of gas decreases in warmer liquids.)

    What Al Gore neglects to tell everyone -- in fact, what he refuses to reveal because it DESTROYS his whole "man-made global warming" argument -- is that the earth ALWAYS gets warmer FIRST; THEN CO2 levels rise, hundreds and even thousands of years later. That's because warmer oceans RELEASE CO2 as the SUN warms up the earth. It is NEVER the reverse.

    Other planets in our solar system (Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, etc.) have also warmed during the last 100 years. Did we cause those temperature increases too, perhaps?

    Give me a break, Al!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What Al also neglected to tell people is his clip in his film where they show an iceberg crumble is actually a computer generated flick stolen from "The Day After Tomorrow".

    And speaking of the oceans and CO2...

    "The scientists say the heat released by the explosions is not contributing to the melting of the Arctic ice, but Sohn says the huge volumes of CO2 gas that belched out of the undersea volcanoes likely contributed to rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. How much, he couldn't say."
